Are You Optimized for Mobile? How the Smart Phone Changed the Game for Online Advertising

There have been many changes in the world of web development over the last few years. It all started with the introduction of the iPhone back in 2008, but even back then nobody could really see what was coming. Seven years later, in 2015, it is estimated that OVER 50% of website traffic occurred on mobile devices. This number is estimated to increase to over 60% by the end of 2017.
But what does this mean for your website? Chances are, if it was built prior to 2014, it was not built to look good on smart phones or tablets. Google updated its algorithm back in the beginning of 2015 stating that websites that were not optimized for mobile devices would not rank as high as website that were. SEO experts referred to this update is “mobile-gheddon,” spelling doom for any websites the were not mobile responsive. As it turns out, it doesn’t affect your search engine ranking on desktops or laptop devices, but it will hurt your ranking on mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. Now if 50% of your customers are on mobile devices looking for companies like yours, that means your missing out on roughly 50% of potential website traffic. That’s simple mathematics, and it hurts if you own a business and you’ve invested in online marketing.
That’s why mobile optimization should be on the top of your list of things to do if your’e looking to generate leads or acquire customers online. Bottom line is, even if your customers do find your website on Google, if your website looks bad on their smart phone, chances are they’re going to go back to Google and search for better options. It only takes 3 seconds for a customer to decide if they’re going to interact with your websites. As a business owner, you have to take a harsh self assessment and figure out where you stand in those crucial 3 seconds.
If the answer to that question is not good, there’s help. Even if it’s not a complete redesign your after, there are things an experienced web designer can do to bring it up to speed and make sure it’s at least palatable on mobile devices. Fill out our free consultation form and we’ll be able to tell you if your website is mobile responsive, and what can be done if it isn’t. Our web designers here at ProSource Media specialize in mobile responsive web design, and we’ll help you update your site to attract mobile traffic. By doing so, you’ll be ready to take on the future of digital marketing!
Check out our web design page to see some of the mobile responsive designs we’ve created. Or just get a free consultation and see what we can do to bring your online marketing game up to speed!