6 Reasons Your Not on Page 1
Why Am I Not on Page 1!?
This is one of the most common questions business owners ask their SEO company. That question is as complex as Google’s algorithm, and it is never an easy one to answer. Your organic rank is influenced by many elements that exist both on your website and off of it. Technical website setup, keyword strategy and domain authority are all things to consider when evaluating rank.
While your reason will vary depending on your circumstance, there are 6 very common website issues that will prevent you from gaining access to Google’s coveted first page, and all the fresh organic leads that come with it. Here they are:
7 SEO Tips For The New Business Owner
This past year has seen an overwhelming number of entrepreneurs launch new online businesses. The pandemic has made traditional brick and mortar businesses a risky venture, so now an increasing number of entrepreneurs are looking at click and mortar businesses as the best chance for long-term success. Just look at the record shattering year for VC Funding in the US in 2020 as proof that the pandemic has, if anything, accelerated the ascent of tech in business.
Whatever your business type, if your going to be making a big initial investment into your digital presence, your going to want to get it right the first time. It can end up costing you thousands of dollars to hire a good SEO agency to go back and fix a poorly optimized website. SEO does take time to build, but it will never get off the ground if the website isn’t setup for success from the start.
So here’s a list of 6 critical SEO tips for the new business owner: