Posted: November 3, 2022 By: zach

Top 5 Remedies for Itchy Balls

If you’re a dude, you’ve been there. You’re in a public setting, perhaps a formal one, and you feel that burn down below. You know it right away… your balls itch. Your forehead gets hot, the hair on your neck stands up, and you wish you could press the pause button and scratch that rascal while nobody is looking. But you can’t, at least not without drawing some scathing looks. You can try the hands-free hip wiggle, but that looks weird and is usually ineffective. You can try the old hip check at nothing, but then you look like you’re having a spastic episode. Ahh, and my favourite, the spread-eagle stretch pose, which is highly effective but wildly indiscreet. What if you could prevent itchy balls in the first place? If you’re like me, you probably thought that it just wasn’t possible. In a way, you’re right. Spontaneous genital pruritus (medical term for itchy, I looked it up) is unavoidable and can happen to even the cleanest, freest, and most moisturized meat wagons. However, you can minimise it by following these helpful tips!