Posted: January 29, 2021 By: zach

7 SEO Tips For The New Business Owner

This past year has seen an overwhelming number of entrepreneurs launch new online businesses. The pandemic has made traditional brick and mortar businesses a risky venture, so now an increasing number of entrepreneurs are looking at click and mortar businesses as the best chance for long-term success. Just look at the record shattering year for VC Funding in the US in 2020 as proof that the pandemic has, if anything, accelerated the ascent of tech in business.

Whatever your business type, if your going to be making a big initial investment into your digital presence, your going to want to get it right the first time. It can end up costing you thousands of dollars to hire a good SEO agency to go back and fix a poorly optimized website. SEO does take time to build, but it will never get off the ground if the website isn’t setup for success from the start.

So here’s a list of 6 critical SEO tips for the new business owner:

Posted: September 16, 2019 By: zach

Project Showcase: How to Insert a Graph in a Web Page Using HTML

Embedding interactive charts and tables to support blog content is a powerful SEO tactic that can help improve your site’s bounce rate and time on page, while adding additional relevant data to support your findings. There are not many tools out there you can utilize for this, and some are better than others. Here’s an example of charts we’ve created at ProSource for our local clients.